Aeration Causes
The following are candidates for the formation of air in a system.
– Leaking inlet lines.
– Control valve “O” rings leaking.
– Shaft seal leakage.
– Leaking cylinder packings caused by cavitating cylinders.
– Turbulence or sloshing in the reservoir.
– Vortexing fluid in the reservoir
– Release of air suspended within the fluid.
Aeration can be in many forms; large bubbles, foam or in various degrees of suspension. It usually causes pump noise (cavitation). Small bubbles cause extreme and rapid ring wear, with corresponding vane tip wear. Larger bubbles cause vanes to collapse and pound. This pounding effect develops rippling in the ring and the ring will have a dull appearance. This is more apparent on straight vane rings which are hardened cast iron. With extreme aeration cases, the wear is so rapid that a ring and vanes can be destroyed within an hour. In many cases, a large step will be worn in the ring contour at the pressure quadrant. When the step reaches a depth where the vane extends and locks, the vane and/or ring will break. Also, the shaft can break where it enters the rotor if the torque is great enough.
Leaking Inlet Lines
– Pipe threaded fittings can be porous. Use an approved type of pipe thread sealer on all pipe threads.
– If the pump inlet flange surface is rough, scored or mutilated, air leakage past the “O” ring seal can result.
With any of the above defects, air can be pulled into the system.
Control Valve “O” Rings Leaking
“O” rings are used to seal against port leakage in many control valves. These seals can be checked by applying heavy grease around the part to be checked. If the noise stops, the trouble has been located and repair can be initiated.
On systems which have been operating at excessive high temperatures, the “O” rings can harden and take a set. If this occurs, air leakage can result. This is true not only in a pump, but also in the rest of the components of the system. Another factor enhancing air leakage is the actual fluid composition. Fluids which have a high sulphur content tend to accelerate “O” ring hardness. This is one of the principle reasons for keeping system operating temperatures down. Normal operating temperature of a system is 90 degrees above ambient. When operating temperatures are in excess of this value, trouble may result. Maximum operating temperatures should be checked at the pump outlet port.
Shaft Seal Leakage
Most vane pumps are internally drained. The shaft seal cavity is connected to the pump inlet. Excessively high inlet vacuums can cause air leakage at the shaft seal. The maximum vacuum measured at the pump inlet should not exceed five inches of mercury.
Shaft misalignment can increase the probability of air leakage past the shaft seal. Universal jointed couplings or splined couplings can cause seal leakage if not properly aligned. Straight (direct) coupling should never be used.
The use of the wrong type of tools can cause distortion or mutilation of a shaft seal at installation. The outer diameter of the shaft should be lightly polished before installation to remove any burrs or roughness in the area of the shaft seal.
Shaft seals must be made of the correct material for a given application. A material that is not compatible with system fluid can deteriorate and result in a leakage problem.
Leaking Cylinder Packings Caused By Cavitating Cylinders
On applications where a rapid raise and lower cycle is experienced, air can enter the system through a cylinder rod seal. Vacuums in excess of 20 inches of mercury have been recorded in systems without anti-cavitation check valves. This is enough to force dirt particles past the shaft seal into the system with the air. An anti-cavitation check will allow flow from the reservoir to enter the rod area of the cylinder during a vacuum condition from developing. This will lower the possibility of fluid contamination through the rod seal of a working cylinder.
Turbulence or Sloshing in the Reservoir
Return lines, if improperly located, can cause turbulence and aeration. A Plexiglass window should be placed in the prototype reservoir to study flow conditions. Return lines emptying above the fluid level cause bubbles to form in the system. Return lines should always be terminated below the fluid level. Vehicle movement can cause sloshing within the reservoir. Reservoir must be deep enough to prevent aeration.
Vortexing Fluid in the Reservoir
If the fluid level in the reservoir is low and the inlet demand is great, a vortex condition can develop which pulls air into the pump inlet. In a hydraulic system, vortexing is normally the result of low fluid or poor reservoir design.
One of the best ways of curing a vortex problem is to place an anti-cavitation plate over the outlet of the reservoir. This is a common piece of sheet metal at lease 1/8 inch thick set over and above the outlet opening. This plate will allow flow into the outlet from a horizontal direction and effectively extends and enlarges the reservoir opening. This prevents the vortex condition from developing.
Release of Air Suspended in Fluid
There is considerable air suspended in cold hydraulic fluid. As the fluid warms, air is released into the system. A reduction of fluid pressure will also release air out of suspension. A simple relief valve poppet can create an orifice that increases velocity of the fluid and lowers its pressure. The reduced pressure condition releases air out of suspension into the system. Relief valves should be returned below the fluid level of the reservoir as far from the reservoir outlet as possible. This allows time for the air released by the relief valve to be removed before leaving the reservoir and entering the inlet area of the pump.
In some cases, special return line configurations are needed, or air bleed valves used, to remove air from the system.
A special baffle made of 60 mesh screen can be installed into the reservoir. This baffle should be positioned at a 30o angle in the reservoir so that inlet oil is above the screen and outlet oil is below the screen. The top of the screen should be below the reservoir fluid level far enough to prevent surface foam from coming in contact with the screen. Surface foam can penetrate through the screen into the outlet area. The screen baffle will eliminate all bubbles except the very small ones from the fluid if designed properly.
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- Hershey Dee
- My name is Hershey and I love technology! It sure does catapulted the human race advancement!
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Friday, January 9, 2015
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